As social media becomes more pervasive, brands need to consider how packaging will look beyond the shelf and be aware of how their products will come across online and in social media feeds. One company that is putting its social media presence at the forefront of its packaging design is the Brooklyn ice cream maker Van Leeuwen. The strategy behind the packaging redesign was to make its ice cream pints "very instagrammable." To accomplish this feat, Van Leeuwen reduced its packaging to a simple motif highlighting the name of the brand on a single-color backdrop, avoiding the overuse of graphics typically employed by other ice cream brands. The stripped down design not only caught the eye of Packaging Impressions and a multitude of users on social media, it has helped the artisan ice cream producer increase its sales by 50%. If you've seen a package that stands out, please contact Cory Francer at
Package of the Week
Redesign Energizes Sales for Drink Packaging