Conserving Natural Resources
Helping our customers preserve the integrity of their brands means operating in a responsible, community-minded way. That’s why Poly-Version uses soy-based inks and 100 percent recycled paper.
Paper accounts for approximately half of our products’ overall environmental impact. To minimize this impact, we use recycled paper, which requires far less energy, water and chemicals to produce than paper made from trees. We found a 100 percent recycled sheet—made by FutureMark Paper Group in Manistique, Michigan—that meets our hair care customers’ technical specifications for paper while going above and beyond their environmental specifications. FutureMark’s 100 percent recycled sheet produces images that are sharp and bright, runs smoothly on our presses, folds crisply and holds a tight fold over time. While other types of paper could fulfill our technical requirements, FutureMark paper also delivers remarkable environmental benefits. According to the Environmental Paper Network’s Paper Calculator, Poly-Version saves approximately 13,500 trees, 3.5 million gallons of water and enough energy to power 160 American homes each year by printing on FutureMark 100 percent recycled paper instead of a non-recycled sheet. Multiply these annual savings by the 20+ years we have been using this same recycled paper and the conservation benefits are significant.