Sun Chemical Corp.

UV/EB Inks - Take a Sigh of Relief
October 1, 2005

RadTech is moving toward making sure UV/EB inks are safe for use in food packaging. Is everyone ready for what this may bring? EVERYONE KNOWS WHAT a fast-paced world it is out there. e-mail has made written communications instantaneous, credit cards have made spending money (you don't have) easier than ever, and some cars are now built to cruise at 180 mph. One other technology that seems to have been developed to save people time is the inception of prepackaged food stuffs. Consumers can quickly grab a packet of rice or noodles from their pantry and have a quick meal in minutes. But

Expanding the Possibilities of Color
October 1, 2005

Extended color printing could be the next best thing to the eye of the beholder in the package-printing industry. PHILOSOPHICALLY SPEAKING, THE exact nature of color may be in dispute forever. As far as brand owners and the package and label printers who work with them are concerned, however, color is a concrete, measurable reality and the most critical component of print quality. If the job of the packaging or label designers is to create shelf appeal and ensure brand recognition, the job of packaging and label printers is to lock in those attributes by reproducing those designs as faithfully, efficiently, and affordably as

CMM Showcase
June 1, 2005

As always, companies exhibiting at CMM International 2005 put on a display of impressive new products and technologies for converters and package printers. A SUCCESSFUL TRADE show is always measured on an individual basis—foot traffic, promising leads, or signed contracts. While attendees weren't exactly carried down the aisles in a swell of people, CMM International 2005 still offered a wide array of new products and technologies from the exhibiting companies. The following is a small sampling of what CMM International had to offer. Company news Enercon and Ciba Specialty Chemicals announced a joint development agreement which will combine Enercon's surface modification Plasma3™ technology

Graphics of the Americas and Xplor Report Excellent Early Sales
May 18, 2005

MIAMI BEACH, Fla.—Graphics of the Americas and Xplor International today reported that the "who's who" of the document communications and graphic arts industry have already contracted exhibit space for the co-located event with Graphics of the Americas held February 3-5, 2006 in Miami Beach, Florida. Projected to be one of the most successful to date, the combined exhibit is expected to host over 500 exhibiting companies, cover 500,000 square feet of exhibit space and draw over 22,000-plus print providers, technical and creative professionals from around the world. With the addition of Xplor's well-known educational curricula, attendees can also choose from over 200 conference sessions,

Materials?Inks/Ink Systems
May 1, 2005

ACCEL GRAPHIC SYSTEMS The Sentinel Ink Management System is an electronically-controlled, completely automated cartridge-based ink dispensing system. Write 900,, Alden & Ott Printing Inks Co. A total ink company, small enough to formulate custom solutions, but large enough to serve the needs of the most demanding industry giants. Write 901, Visit American Water Graphics Ammonia-free flexo inks. Water-based ink systems flexo printing applications. Write 902, Visit ANI Printing Inks Water-based/UV Inks and coatings for the narrow-web, label, and packaging industries. Ink systems include: water-based flexo, UV flexo, UV letterpress, UV offset, UV rotary screen,

Maureen Waite of Sartomer Awarded for Achievement
February 7, 2005

CHEVY CHASE, Md.—Maureeen Waite of Sartomer Co. received the 5th annual RadTech President's Award at the RadTech Winter meeting in Palm Beach, FL. This award is presented to individual members that make significant contributions to RadTech and the advancement of UV and EB technology. Waite, Chair of the RadTech Environmental Health and Safety Committee, was recognized for her efforts in the development of a new RadTech health and safety video, "UV/EB Curing, A Safe Choice."  "Maureen provided not only leadership, but long hours of volunteerism to develop this important industry resource," says David Harbourne, of Fusion UV and President of RadTech. "By some estimates, more

Shrink Label Savvy
February 1, 2005

Shrink sleeve label printing requires a lot of work, but the rewards can make it all worth while. SHRINK SLEEVE LABELING has taken aim at the product decoration market in a big way. It's not doing this with a single-shot sniper's rifle, either. It's blasting away at market opportunities and market share with both barrels. Shrink labels represent a high-growth segment in product decoration, and those package printers with the technical savvy to make it work are reaping the benefits of its market appeal. Technical savvy is the key, because a shrink label is a moving target—it starts out in one shape and

Sun Chemical's Shares In Kodak Polychrome Graphics Redeemed
January 12, 2005

FORT LEE, N.J.—Sun Chemical Corporation today announced that Eastman Kodak Company will become the sole owner of graphic arts supplier Kodak Polychrome Graphics (KPG) through redemption of Sun Chemical Corporation's 50 percent interest in the joint venture. Completion of the deal, which will exceed $800 million in cash, is expected in April. Currently, Kodak and Sun Chemical each own half of KPG, a joint venture established in 1998. "Since its inception, KPG has grown into a highly successful leader in the graphic arts market based on a sound strategy and a world-class team, and is highly valued by both partners," said

Getting Better All the Time
June 1, 2004

Improved raw materials help spur growth of energy-curable inks. LUCK IS WINNING the lottery with a million-to-one chance, or catching the winning homerun ball in the deciding game of the World Series. But luck rarely has anything to do with success, as is the case with energy-curable inks, which have been increasing in demand thanks to the results of a lot of money, time, and energy spent in R&D. In the last few years, use of ultra-violet (UV) and electron beam (EB) inks has continued to grow with the introduction of new curing technologies, better inks, and lower costs for both. UV inks have

The Amazing Shrink Inks
April 1, 2004

Shrink substrates are popular for packaging, but they wouldn't be anywhere without the high-performance powers of shrink inks. by Kate Sharon, Associate Editor INKS USED FOR shrink applications have to be capable of going above and beyond the call of ordinary ink duties. Shrink inks have to adhere well to film substrates, hold color despite heat, maintain a certain coefficient of friction (COF), and—most importantly—shrink. "[Shrink inks] need to have superior adhesion, flexibility, be fairly heat resistant because heat is involved in the process, and [be made with] pigments that won't change color or fade with heat application," said Ed Dedman, market development