Meech Static Eliminators USA
Xeikon has partnered with Meech to install the CyClean non-contact web cleaning system on a number of its digital presses, including the Xeikon 3050 and Xeikon 3500.
Featured Products for the flexographic, narrow-web and package printing industries including TAKK Industries, Polymag Tek, Meech, NRD Advanced Static Control, Jemmco, Simco-Ion, R.G. Egan, and Doyle Systems
Featured Products for the flexographic, narrow-web and package printing industries, including Meech Static Eliminators, Simco-Ion, Monroe Electronics, Doyle Systems
The flexible packaging industry continues to play to its strengths in sustainability and novel and distinctive packaging configurations. It is doing this while using one of the key tools in its arsenal—innovation. So even though companies in this segment must maintain a tight ship during the economic up-hill climb, the future for this industry continues to be bright.
Featured Products for the flexographic, narrow-web and package printing industries, including TAKK, Polymag Tek, Simco-Ion, Monroe Electronics, Doyle Systems and Meech International.
At Labelexpo Americas 2012 (September 11–13) in Chicago, Meech International will highlight a wide range of web cleaning options, as well as a new static bar designed specifically for the labeling market.
Meech International has reported a 14 percent growth in sales for the 2010-11 financial year, fuelled by a continuing strong performance in overseas markets, which grew by 16 percent.
Products that will be on display at ICE USA include the Picometrix T-Ray 4000, 904CM monitoring unit for its AC ionizing systems, DPS-1 Dancer Position Sensor and more.
Meech International will use ICE USA 2011, April 6-8 in Orlando, Florida, to launch into the American market the 904CM, an effective monitoring unit for its AC ionizing systems.
Meech International will use ICE USA 2011, April 6-8 in Orlando, Florida, to launch into the American market the 904CM.