The Flexible Packaging Association announced its 2009 Board of Directors. Directors are elected by FPA voting members through mail ballot. Directors are elected for a term of one year and assume their directorship at the FPA Annual Meeting.
Flexible Packaging Association
Merger-and-acquisition (M&A) activity in any industry segment usually reflects the overall health of its economic conditions. In good times, companies have cash and confidence to pursue expansion activities and new growth markets—many times, via the M&A route. In not-so-good times, the activity slows, as companies look inward toward strengthening their existing businesses through cost reductions and efficiency improvements.
The 2009 FPA Flexible Packaging Achievement Awards competition received 79 flexible packages, representing a total of 113 entries (several packages were entered in multiple categories). Of the entries, 24 packages were honored with Achievement Awards.
The Employee Free Choice Act (EFCA)—if you haven’t heard about this you will, or you already have, but weren’t listening. If you own a printing company or have a management role in one, this is something to which you should pay close attention.
LINTHICUM, Md.—The Flexible Packaging Association (FPA) has released its new education and marketing brochure, “Sustainability and Flexible Packaging: More Value. Less Waste,” which incorporates information and data on the value proposition of flexible packaging and the sustainable aspects of flexible packaging. The brochure examines the sustainability achievements, the functionality, and the value of flexible packaging throughout its lifecycle from a consumer, retailer, financial, and social point of view. The brochure is available in both an electronic and hard copy formats. “Sustainability and Flexible Packaging: More Value. Less Waste” includes case studies on various forms of flexible packaging. In addition to the case study information
Flexible packaging is alive and well. It continues to be a bright spot in the package-printing arena, led in part by novel pouch implementations in a broad range of product categories. The Flexible Packaging Association (FPA) recently held its annual meeting in Orlando. The 260 attendees were treated to two days of timely presentations that covered important topics affecting the industry. Presentations included FPA’s “State of the U.S. Flexible Packaging Industry,” “The European Flexible Packaging Market,” “Capital Markets, Mergers and Acquisitions,” “An Economic and Financial Outlook,” “A Closer Look at Election ‘08,” “Conducting Business in China,” and “The Future of Flexible Packaging.” As
The term “globalization” has become one of the package-printing industry’s favorite things to talk about. It’s important enough that the Flexible Packaging Association (FPA) devoted an entire study on the effects of globalization on flexible packaging, and in 2007, PLGA Global made globalization the theme of its annual operational conference. Domestically, the economic impacts of globalization are sometimes negative. But, some experts and converters believe that there are new opportunities opening by globalizing their businesses. More importantly, there may be no choice in the matter. What does it mean to you? Globalization means different things to different people. Merriam-Webster defines globalization as “the act,
The flexible packaging industry is, and will continue to be, a relatively healthy segment in the realm of package printing. This doesn’t mean that everything is rosy—not by a long shot. The U.S. economy is being stressed to a significant degree by a credit crunch driven by the sub-prime fiasco, and inflationary pressures fueled by the cost of crude oil, which recently surpassed $110 per barrel. Flexible packaging advantages A slowdown in the economic environment not withstanding, flexible packaging has many factors in its favor. It continues to move into established packaging segments with distinctive product offerings, many times in the form of pouches.
DUNCAN, S.C.—Sealed Air’s Cryovac® brand was recognized at this year’s Flexible Packaging Association (FPA) Achievement Awards with a silver award for technical innovation for its new vacuum shrink bag with an easy-open feature. The Cryovac® Grip and Tear™ bag was one of 99 flexible packaging entries in the 2008 competition. The FPA gives gold and silver Achievement Awards in four categories: Environmental & Sustainability Achievement, Packaging Excellence, Printing Achievement, and Technical Innovation. Winners were announced March 5 at a dinner ceremony held during the FPA’s 2008 Annual Meeting in Orlando, Fla. Easily opened by pulling a tab, the Cryovac® Grip and Tear™ bag’s design
LINTHICUM, Md.—The Flexible Packaging Association’s Sustainability and Wal-Mart Packaging Scorecard Workshop—to be held on Tuesday, June 19 at the Hyatt Regency O’Hare in Chicago—is designed to assist FPA members in helping their customers complete the Wal-Mart Sustainable Packaging Scorecard. Early registration is encouraged as attendance is limited to 30 participants to allow maximum interaction. This single-day, FPA workshop, facilitated by Packaging & Technology Integrated Solutions, will provide greater understanding of the evolving sustainability landscape and Scorecard tools from retail giant Wal-Mart. The workshop will combine presentations, group interaction and hands-on demonstrations of the Wal-Mart Packaging Scorecard, Scorecard Modeling, and Virtual Packaging Trade Show tools