Like any other technology, drying equipment for package printing continues to evolve. The industry changes rapidly and suppliers must keep up. The increased speed involved with today’s printing presses, driven by market demand, is one example of how drying equipment must evolve to keep up with the presses on which it is installed. Some press manufacturers, like Aquaflex (see sidebar, next page), have chosen to design and build their own drying systems. Others use dryers manufactured by OEMs. Whichever route you choose to go when purchasing new drying equipment, there are a variety of considerations you need to keep in mind including UV vs.
DRI-TEC Unlimited LLC
Facing off in the laminating ring are in-line vs. off-line laminators; and while each has their own punches to throw and to receive, it is the converter who decides the champion. by Joy English, Assistant Editor JUNE 19, 1936 MARKED the day that heavyweight champion Joe Louis and Max Schmeling squared off in what would be a boxing match to remember. Schmeling entered the ring as the underdog, but claimed the titled when he handed Louis his first ring defeat. It wasn't until two years later that Louis would reclaim his heavyweight title from Schmeling. Today, squaring off in the laminating ring are in-line