ACCEL GRAPHIC SYSTEMS The Sentinel Ink Management System is an electronically-controlled, completely automated cartridge-based ink dispensing system. Write 900,, Alden & Ott Printing Inks Co. A total ink company, small enough to formulate custom solutions, but large enough to serve the needs of the most demanding industry giants. Write 901, Visit American Water Graphics Ammonia-free flexo inks. Water-based ink systems flexo printing applications. Write 902, Visit ANI Printing Inks Water-based/UV Inks and coatings for the narrow-web, label, and packaging industries. Ink systems include: water-based flexo, UV flexo, UV letterpress, UV offset, UV rotary screen,
Converters looking to differentiate their capabilities with exciting and innovative imagery are making combination rotary screen printing their top choice. Next time you're playing bartender, look behind (literally) the dashing graphics on that bottle of margarita mix. Chances are you'll see a brilliant white or colored background printed with rotary screen. From food and beverage to health and beauty, rotary screen is laying the foundation for some of today's most exciting and innovative imagery. Since the 1980s, when it was first commercialized, rotary screen technology has found increasing favor in the label and package printing world. The main feature of screen printing—its ability to