The Rx packaging industry is constantly evolving to stay a few steps ahead of criminals. Keeping an eye on trends in Rx printing can help keep prescription drugs out of the wrong hands.
When assessing the differences between photopolymer and elastomeric printing plates, there are several aspects to consider for each, including materials, speed and cost.
The newly released PRIMIR “U.S. Market Trends for Flexographic Printing” research study, authored by Freedonia Custom Research, provides an understanding of where the market is today, and how brand owner, converter and application trends will impact the U.S. flexographic printing market in the future.
Brand owners are looking for folding cartons that stop consumers in their tracks, but designing such a carton is no simple task.
packagePRINTING recently teamed up with InfoTrends to survey converters about their printing technologies.
To enter the folding carton market, a package printer may need to upgrade an existing flexo press or acquire new equipment altogether.
Detecting defects in a print run is an important element of installing an inspection system, says Brian Heil, president of ISRA Surface Vision. But, he says, that’s only one piece of the puzzle.
Mounting tapes, the unsung heroes of the flexographic printing process, can make or break the quality of a print job. Careful selection of plates and cylinders, while immensely important to the final product, can be negated if the chosen mounting tape does not meet the requirements of the print job.
Go to your favorite supermarket and take a look at what is printed on the packaging, especially the labels. Look specifically for sustainability and recycling information. Chances are you’ll find it on many different kinds of products, because it’s just one part of an overarching marketplace shift in consumer attitudes that points to an emerging preference for sustainable products.
Approximately 82 percent of the world’s population lives in emerging market countries that account for more than 40 percent of the world’s economy. Economists predict that more than 70 percent of global GDP will come from emerging markets over the next 10 years.