UV inks are commonly used in package-printing applications. So much so that Don Duncan, director of R&D, Wikoff Color Corp., thinks it’s about time to rephrase how we reference ink categories. In referring to water-based and solvent-based inks, he says, “I use the phrase ‘so-called conventional’ because UV inks are now so common that they are no longer ‘unconventional.’ We need a new word for the mixture of oil-based, water-based, or solvent-based inks that UV is replacing. How about ‘old-technology.’” The term “old technology” might not fly (Duncan admits that it’s “a little over-the-top”), but the point is well made. UV inks are firmly
Consumables-Ink - UV/UV LED Offset
With the use of shrink-sleeve labeling for product decoration growing at a double-digit rate, suppliers of shrink film inks are developing a steady stream of products to carve out a piece of the action. But in addition to the normal adhesion issues that are common with non-porous film applications, shrink inks have several other factors to contend with that make their development more challenging. Some of these issues include distortion (cracking, delamination, etc.), blocking, coefficient of friction (COF), and in food and beverage applications, low odor. Demanding applications Shrink labeling is growing in popularity because it offers brand managers at least two advantages. It
Specialty inks are just that—special. They can perform a multitude of functions for a package or its contents—from protection to jazzing it up, providing enhanced value in form, function, or both. In discussing this topic with Bob Lorenz, vice president of business development for Sun Chemical, what comes across loud and clear is the excitement that this category can generate, even when looking at the specialty inks that are more functional in nature. Sun Chemical offers a full gamut of specialty inks that can meet virtually any need. One can just imagine a brand manager sitting across from Lorenz as he runs down
UV inks are a great addition to the world of flexographic printing, but knowing the simple do's and don'ts will keep converters' blood pressure under control. AHHH, ULTRAVIOLET (UV) flexographic printing … it's great! The use of UV materials in general, is making the printing market a bit more rewarding for some, as long as they are used correctly in particular applications. For instance, there are different rules for medical applications than for food applications. packagePRINTING spoke with some experts in the field to find out what printers need to know to incorporate UV flexographic printing in their arsenal. You are what you eat
RadTech is moving toward making sure UV/EB inks are safe for use in food packaging. Is everyone ready for what this may bring? EVERYONE KNOWS WHAT a fast-paced world it is out there. e-mail has made written communications instantaneous, credit cards have made spending money (you don't have) easier than ever, and some cars are now built to cruise at 180 mph. One other technology that seems to have been developed to save people time is the inception of prepackaged food stuffs. Consumers can quickly grab a packet of rice or noodles from their pantry and have a quick meal in minutes. But
Improved raw materials help spur growth of energy-curable inks. LUCK IS WINNING the lottery with a million-to-one chance, or catching the winning homerun ball in the deciding game of the World Series. But luck rarely has anything to do with success, as is the case with energy-curable inks, which have been increasing in demand thanks to the results of a lot of money, time, and energy spent in R&D. In the last few years, use of ultra-violet (UV) and electron beam (EB) inks has continued to grow with the introduction of new curing technologies, better inks, and lower costs for both. UV inks have
Shrink substrates are popular for packaging, but they wouldn't be anywhere without the high-performance powers of shrink inks. by Kate Sharon, Associate Editor INKS USED FOR shrink applications have to be capable of going above and beyond the call of ordinary ink duties. Shrink inks have to adhere well to film substrates, hold color despite heat, maintain a certain coefficient of friction (COF), and—most importantly—shrink. "[Shrink inks] need to have superior adhesion, flexibility, be fairly heat resistant because heat is involved in the process, and [be made with] pigments that won't change color or fade with heat application," said Ed Dedman, market development
Industry experts weigh in on the who, what, when, where, and why of the post-cure process. by Jessica Millward, Associate Editor THE APPARENT "chemistry mystery" occurring after a UV ink is cured significantly impacts the appearance of a finished printed product. Supplier sleuthing has led to these conclusions: WHAT is (and what isn't) post-cure? Though used throughout the industry, the term "post-cure," in many cases, is technically a misnomer. Rob Stendahl, corporate technical support supervisor for Akzo Nobel, clarifies: "Post cure only takes place with cationic UV-curable inks. The more common type of UV inks is cured through a UV-induced free radical polymerization
Water-based inks remain the overall favorite, but UV-, solvent-, and soy-based inks all retain solid usage niches. by Susan Friedman The objective of the third annual packagePRINTING ink usage survey was simple: Take a back-to-basics look at how solvent-based, water-based, UV, and soy-based inks are faring amid package printers' growing number of substrates, specialized and combination printing needs, and environmental concerns. packagePRINTING asked converters to indicate their ink preferences according to print process and end use. Respondents, speaking from all three major package printing sectors, offered up a blend of selections that illustrate united pockets of need with widely divided issues and applications. Looks