Color/Quality Control - Software
In a highly competitive marketplace, brands and packaging designers are looking for ways to differentiate their products on the shelf. Packaging trends for 2018 will increasingly go beyond color to include embellishment options such as foils, special varnishes, soft touch finishes and more.
To stay competitive in today’s increasingly fast-paced digital world, packaging converters need to re-evaluate their color workflows. It’s time to debunk three of the most common myths in the packaging color workflow to build a more technically viable color measurement and management process for packaging converters.
Idealliance Brand Q certification program offers assessment tools, technical resources, and online education to ensure brand integrity.
What does it take to keep an offset printing press performing consistently? It's a question I have been asked more times than I can count — and with good reason.
Delivering consistent results is essential in the package printing business. To capitalize on these customer demands, converters should be prioritizing their automation and color control. packagePRINTING recently hosted a webinar to discuss these important aspects of printing.
Tomorrow, packagePRINTING will host a webinar that will discuss what package printers need to know about improving their automation, color control and implementing UV-LED inks. The webinar will feature industry experts including Dr. Bruce Myers of Rochester Institute of Technology and Niklas Olsson of Flint Group.
Tune in for improvements that package printers and converters can make in order to streamline workflow and improve color management.
All Printing Resources and SpotOn! Press have released a new version of SpotOn! pressroom software that allows flexographic converters to import and export CxF files.
Throughout the package printing process, there are opportunities for increased efficiency. Experts weigh in on color matching, press room configuration and finishing.
Tap Packaging Solutions underwent a full re-certification audit by its independent auditors, Smithers Quality Assessments. The audit included a close examination of Tap’s quality objectives, management review process, corrective and preventative actions, documentation, design process and manufacturing process.