Business Management - Productivity/Process Improvement

Novel Products, Steady Growth
April 1, 2012

Flexible packaging will remain a dynamic segment in the package-printing arena for some time to come. Materials developments and innovative product developments by consumer products companies will ensure that more and more flexible packaging formats take their place on the store shelves.

Leadership Execution —Polischuk
March 1, 2012

TLMI members who attended the 2012 Converter Meeting in Phoenix were rewarded with a long list of items they could implement to improve their businesses.

Tempus Fugit —Polischuk
January 1, 2012

So, what will 2012 bring? I'm expecting American businesses to continue improving productivity so they can compete favorably on the world stage. At the same time, I'm hoping that there is, in fact, a trend of increasing employment that will continue through the year and beyond. Then we won't have to talk about a jobless recovery anymore.

On Technology
June 1, 2011

Two of the topics covered in this issue of packagePRINTING made me think back to "the good old days" when I worked in manufacturing.

Soft Proofing:
 Is It Hard?
September 1, 2010

Among the factors driving its acceptance are the significantly shortened product life cycle of consumer goods, coupled with a greatly accelerated rate of product development and market launch.

Thinking Big!
January 1, 2010

Burlington, N.C.-based Labels Tags & Inserts Inc. (LTI) produces a wide range of products that one would expect to find coming out of shops several times its size.

Extend Roll Life
November 13, 2009

MADISON, N..J—During tough economic times it is tempting to reduce quality control to cut costs. However Dolph Beyer, an engineer with Mohawk Fine Papers, asserts doing this is actually counterproductive.

Taking Packaging to Heart
September 1, 2009

It's easy to tell when someone truly enjoys what he or she does. There's the way a person answers questions—with energy and exuberance. There's the pride that comes through when a person talks about his business and the affection with which he speaks of his employees.

Ampac Flexibles Enhances Slitting Capabilities
July 24, 2009

CINCINNATI, Ohio—Ampac Flexibles, the flexible packaging division of Ampac Packaging LLC, announced the installation of a new Titan SR8™ Slitter Rewinder from Bobst Group at its Minneapolis, Minn., facility.