Business Management - Productivity/Process Improvement

As the weather heated up in Texas, Esko made a big splash at the Gaylord Convention Center & Resort on Lake Grapevine in Texas. The event, which was held June 7 to 9, marked EskoWorld’s return to a live setting with more than 120 sessions, demonstrations, workshops and more.
During the pandemic, the Occupational Safety and Health Administration — at both the state and federal level — dramatically curtailed on-site inspections, but we have now passed that period and, simply put, OSHA is back. The number of printing operations being inspected is now on the rise.
Fred Rostalski, an engineer at BOBST, has been recognized for groundbreaking new work around print efficiency.
The 2022 Continuous Improvement Conference is underway in Scottsdale, Arizona, with educational sessions taking center stage.
Package printers and converters looking for the Holy Grail to more efficient operations can tap into insights on leveraging Industry 4.0 technologies to build better, faster and smarter operations by attending a Packaging Impressions’ webinar on Wednesday, April 20, 2022.
Print executives would agree that striving for operational excellence is key to financial success. So, why don’t more companies do it?
AZ Litho has purchased a six-color Komori Lithrone G40 advance (GL640) to meet the evolving requirements of its customer base.
Attendees can expect to walk away from this event with an understanding of how to leverage the power of Industry 4.0 technologies.
The 32nd annual CI Conference will be held in person again this year, May 1-4 in Scottsdale, Arizona.
Zünd received EDP awards for no less than three of its software tools.