Brand Management - Design

Eye-catching Illustrations Highlight Chobani Shrink Sleeves
February 26, 2019 at 9:52 am

Chobani is well-known as a brand that helped make Greek yogurt mainstream across America. However, it's also known for its innovative packaging. This week's episode of POW! highlights Chobani's non-dairy product line, which utilizes eye-catching illustrations and on-pack recycling instructions to stand out to consumers.

Packaging’s Next Evolution
February 19, 2019 at 11:50 am

The way consumers interact with products and packaging is constantly changing, and packaging must evolve to keep up.

Introducing POW!, A New Video Series Highlighting Outstanding Packaging
February 12, 2019 at 10:32 am

Welcome to POW!, a new video series from packagePRINTING, which will highlight outstanding examples of labels and packaging. POW!, which stands for "Package of the Week," is hosted by packagePRINTING Strategy and Business and Development Manager Sara Dunn, who will bring you a weekly deep dive into a label or package that stands out as a great example of brand marketing and technical achievement.

CASE STUDY: How Home Brewing Co. Honed Creative Marketing with Digital Printing
January 8, 2019 at 10:59 am

With a need for short runs of beer labels for its small batches of craft beer, San Diego-based Home Brewing Co. decided to reassess how it sourced its labels. Check out this case study from BRAND United, which details how transitioning from offset to digitally-printed labels helped the brewery increase its design flexibility, reduce inventory and cut costs.

Bay Cities Unveils Augmented Reality Packaging for the Holidays
December 18, 2018 at 9:04 am

Bay Cities, a Pico Rivera, Calif.-based packaging and display manufacturer, has unveiled its annual Christmas gift for its customers and vendors. This year's gift features a detailed ice chest with an interactive augmented reality game.

AUDIO: Brand Owners Discuss Their Digital Needs
November 19, 2018 at 10:39 am

During the Digital Packaging Summit, representatives from three small-sized brands discussed strategies package printers can take to pitch digital printing to meet these brands' specific needs. Check out audio from the event to hear what they had to say.

How Innovative Packaging Boosts Consumer Engagement
November 13, 2018 at 10:12 am

With approximately eight seconds to attract a consumer's attention, innovative packaging is more important to brands than ever before. During the Digital Packaging Summit, design strategist and brand visionary Vicki Strull discussed how digital printing fits into this equation.