This year, the average consumer will see or hear 1 million marketing messages—that’s almost 3,000 per day. The biggest problem with much of today’s market advertising is that it fights for people’s attention using the tactic of interruption.
Tom Marin
This month, United Airlines and Continental Airlines presented new corporate branding for the merged airlines and then changed its mind to UNITED in caps with the Continental globe. The new design has taken my breath away.
As anyone engaged in the packaging design business knows, color consistency is a key bjective across the brand platform. In fact, the best impression-making brands use the highest quality color techniques to ensure bright, impacting and unique visuals.
When Nestlé Dreyers evaluated one of its venerable brands, Häagen-Dazs, it decided that it needed to make it more relevant for today’s younger consumer without damaging its high-quality, premium brand image.
Because consumers have seen such a consistent look and feel in the context of the Absolut identity, the brand instantly communicates high-quality and high-touch feelings that are nearly impossible to calculate in terms of value.