HEBRON, Ky.—Zumbiel Packaging recently won the Gold and Eco awards in the Paperboard Packaging Council’s (PPC) National Paperboard Packaging competition in Atlanta. Twenty-six PPC members submitted 87 entries in the 66th annual competition.
Zumbiel’s double-winner was developed for Snapple’s successful re-launch. The Z-View™ won the Gold award in the Eco category because it helped Snapple move out of a non-sustainable plastic shrink film package into a completely sustainable, recyclable paperboard package. The judges also favored its patented structure that uses significantly less paperboard than comparable cartons.
In addition, the carton won the Gold award for Achievement in Packaging because consumers strongly prefer the easy-to-carry handle and found it important that the Z-View™ showcases the glass bottle that is so much a part of the Snapple brand’s quality.
Zumbiel also recently donated pine trees to more than 100 third graders at Maddux Elementary School who took the trees home to plant and to celebrate Earth Day. Stephen Troehler, principal, and Jane Faulkner, teacher, received the trees from Zumbiel's Charles Mace during the third grade's Earth Day ceremony. Mace demonstrated how to plant a tree at the school and showed how old soft drink boxes make great, biodegradable planters.