Vibrant RFID Markets
The global RFID market continues its rapid growth as record orders up to $0.5 billion each are serviced. This year demand for RFID is on target for $5.3 billion globally as it powers its way to $27 billion in 2018. Recent substantial additions to the global RFID orderbook include A$350 million from the State of Melbourne to boost its public transport RFID card scheme and a forecast by transport analysts that the national RFID card for transport being progressed in the UK will cost $2 billion. Indeed, much is now happening in Europe, although it is the U.S. and China that share top slot as RFID spenders at present. For example, also in the UK, Raytheon, partnered with Serco, Accenture, Detica, QinetiQ, CapGemini and Steria has received an additional $184 million for the infrastructure of the UK RFID e-passport scheme.