The Rise and Rise of Print Finishing
MAN Roland AG will be exhibiting the Prindor InlineFoiler it recently introduced to the market. Cold foil transfer opens up opportunities in application and design that were previously either unachievable with hot foil stamping, or only at great expense and effort. MAN Roland will have innovations on offer for the economical and technically practical combination of both processes in a single press run. Cold foil transfer requires two printing units. Most noticeable at first glance are the two additional top-mounted modules on the press. They can be arranged on any two, adjacent printing towers and ensure steady, low-torsion transport of the foil. By using two top-mounted modules for winding and unwinding the foil between two printing towers, the load is distributed evenly so as to avoid putting excessive stress on an individual tower. Two printing units are required for the actual foil transfer: the first transfers a special adhesive via the inking unit to the substrate with the resolution and detail of an offset plate; the second transfers the foil to the substrate, which is partially coated with adhesive. Any unused foil is rewound onto the backing material.