Keep It Clean
The location on the process line where static control needs to occur can dictate the range requirements for the static bars. And the range requirement plays a big part in the type of static system that needs to be employed.
Within a 6˝ range, Fyffe says that most of the high-intensity AC ionizing bars can easily neutralize the static charges. At ranges greater than 6˝, more specialized equipment is needed. “Pulsed DC (PDC) technology is ideal for longer ranges,” he says. “For PDC ionizers to work effectively at these greater ranges, they will often need to be ‘tuned in’ by adjusting the ion output to neutralize the charge on the web. This can be done either manually with the use of a handheld static meter, or automatic “feedback” systems can be used that will measure the residual charge on the web and feed this information back to the PDC controller, which will then automatically adjust the ion output accordingly.”