Smaller World (Bar Code Inspection)
A CCD camera-based system can indeed inspect RSS codes, says Iggy Manning, president of Geiger Vision Systems, as long as the resolution meets inspection criteria, which can be achieved with a higher pixel density per square inch. Geiger's higher resolution camera has a 1,300 x 1,000 pixel array.
Advanced Vision Technologies (AVT)'s PRINT VISION web inspection systems offer bar code add-on modules such as AVT ABCv, which provides ANSI verification, and checks modulation, quality, contrast, and decodeability. "It is essential for an automatic print defect detection system to be a scalable, open platform system allowing various application modules to be added according to the printing application at hand," says AVT Marketing Manager Orit Eyal. "If smaller bar codes are becoming of popular use, smart/open architecture inspection systems will be able to implement new algorithms which will support the verification of such."