Edging out the Competition
GEW recommends UV lamps and reflectors be inspected and cleaned with a cotton cloth and isopropyl alcohol after running for 500 hours, and lamps be changed every 1,000 hours. And, Prime UV says regular maintenance can allow for longer run times. “UV bulb life can vary due to the cleanliness of the converting facility,” Samide says. “When proper preventive maintenance is performed, we have seen our customers run bulbs in excess of 3,500 hours. Prime UV suggests preventive maintenance be performed on the inner-lamp module and the UV system on a weekly basis, until the converter can set up a preventive maintenance schedule.” He also stresses that purchasing UV bulbs and system parts directly from the manufacturer for maximum lamp life and system performance. “Serious and sometimes unrepairable damage can occur when ‘second source’ bulbs and parts are installed that do not meet the UV OEM’s exact specifications,” he says.