Lord—There isn't really any standard definition or usage of those terms. As a result, they tend to overlap, which can create some confusion. Remote proofing refers to any scenario where the proof is delivered at some distance away from where it was created, either in hard copy form or on a monitor. Soft proofing, virtual proofing, and monitor proofing are equivalent; we've tried to standardize "monitor proofing" as the term to denote proofs delivered on-screen. Contract proofs are used to set expectations between provider and customer on the hard-to-specify attributes of color and print quality. Depending on the nature of the job, a variety of proof types potentially can be used as the "contract proof" for a given job, so this term doesn't really denote any specific attributes or quality standard. Collaborative online proofing refers to the ability for multiple people involved in the review and approval process to effectively communicate and process jobs through the creative and production process, either at the same time or individually.