RadTech President's Award Presented to College Professor
CHEVY CHASE, Md.—Professor Byron Christmas, University of Houston-Downtown, received the 6th annual RadTech President's Award at the RadTech Winter meeting in Miami, Florida. This award is presented to individual RadTech members that make significant contributions to RadTech and the advancement of UV and EB technology.
"Dr. Christmas' contributions to UV/EB Technology include not only his direct efforts with RadTech, but extend to his highly regarded research, and perhaps most importantly, the development of students in our field," says David Harbourne, President of Fusion UV and President of RadTech. "For several years he has presented a very successful polymer chemistry 'undergraduate course' at our biennial conference that hundreds of UV/EB professionals have benefited from. In addition, he has prepared several timely research papers and articles, and most recently he spearheaded the development of RadTech's first online web course-with over 100 participants."
Professor Christmas teaches a variety of chemistry classes and is the Director and Principle Investigator for the Center for Applied Polymer Science Research, a research program involving undergraduate students in UV-polymerization chemistry and technology. Dr. Christmas received his B. S. in Chemistry from Murray State University, Murray, KY in 1970. Then following four years of military service, he entered the University of Kentucky, Lexington, where he received an M.S. and Ph.D. in Inorganic Chemistry in 1976 and 1978,
- Places:
- Miami, Florida