Folder/gluer with vacuum system
Roberts PolyPro
The SuperGluer® Folder/Gluer offers exceptional line speeds, fast set up, operator safety, and ease of maintenance. The SuperGluer can perform consistently at very high speeds with much less maintenance and downtime than conventional gluers. Cartons are secured and controlled throughout the folding and gluing sections by an innovative, low-pressure vacuum system. This vacuum bed eliminates the overhead carrier belt and all its inherent disadvantages, and reduces moving parts by approximately 80 percent. The vacuum carrier also offers significant safety benefits to an operator. Motorized adjustments, digital controls, and a tooling bar make set up simple and extremely fast. The Supergluer is modular and is readily adaptable to practically any application. The Roberts PolyPro Triple Compression Module can also be mounted at the SuperGluer exit to apply adequate pressure on carton blanks to evenly set the adhesive and complete the cartons before the casing operation.