Printed Electronics vs. Silicon - Getting the Priorities Right
Are the Priorities Right?
Given the driving forces for printed electronics and the limitations of silicon chips we can assess the appropriateness of the priorities of those developing and exploiting the technology. We conclude that there is too little emphasis on creating new applications and exploiting existing printed electronic technology in the marketplace. Many companies are developing inks intermediate in conductance between carbon and silver based ones. Such inks will have enormous potential if they have the right cost, printing characteristics, environmental credentials etc. In displays, the number of companies attempting to get organic light emitting diodes (OLEDs) into the market is about ten times the number working on all other types put together. The market potential is more balanced than this, with a wide variety of price performance compromises needed in particular. In thin film transistors, most developers are concentrating on improving the cheapest technology that are based on soluble polymer semiconductors. This correctly reflects the market potential.