PH: For a long time, IDTechEx has been advocating more effort on printed memory, one of the missing parts of the printed electronics toolkit that is vital for progress. Can you tell us about this latest breakthrough and the history of your company please?
Johan Carlsson: Our latest development concerns a joint Thinfilm and InkTec project with the aim of demonstrating R2R high volume manufacturing of printed memories. The project has been a huge success with the realization of a R2R production worthy printing process capable of realizing printed memory cells with a yield in the 96-97 percent range for the best device structure. Up to now more than 100 meters of roll has been produced with a total of five printing steps. This is to our knowledge one of the world first established R2R processes capable of producing electronic components other than conductors and antennas with high yield. It is especially impressive given that the printed memory film thickness is only about 200 nm.