The new OMET XJet powered by Durst, unveiled last February, is a hybrid printing machine that integrates the Durst Tau RSC digital inkjet group in-line with the OMET X6’s flexo printing, finishing and converting units, providing limitless flexibility, wide range of final application and consistent cost saving. This machine can assure reliability and excellent results with all kinds of run lengths, with the advantage of getting to the final product in a single pass.
The OMET iFlex features a range of smart solutions, designed specifically to make the entire printing process even easier and more intuitive: iLight, an innovative pre-registration system with laser pointer on every flexo unit; iVision, a register adjustment system allowing real-time setting through a set of smart cameras; iDrive, new direct driven transmission on the impression cylinder, which allows better performance and higher stability; Easy Change Die-Cut (ECDC) which eliminates long changeover time through a special sliding device.
At the OMET stand (3123), there will be live demonstrations on these two lines, and visitors will have the occasion to appreciate the exceptional performances and the high potential of OMET’s technology.
The preceding press release was provided by a company unaffiliated with packagePRINTING. The views expressed within do not directly reflect the thoughts or opinions of the staff of packagePRINTING.