Wide-Web Presses: At Your Service
The other major trend is people are looking for more and more frequently are mega out put presses, wider and wider widths with higher press speeds. Basically, with all the mergers and acquisitions going on, larger and larger companies are emerging and they have the ability to go after larger more consolidated packaging accounts. Those large packaging accounts are interested in lowering their price per package wherever possible. Traditional equipment widths and speeds simply can not offer the savings needed by these firms. The result is many package printing firms are loosing profit margins. New innovative equipment in wider web and print widths and higher press speeds are two ways to improve those price margins while still offering large accounts the savings they are looking for. Far sighted pro-active companies are working to expand in this area. Not with equipment that was “traditionally” considered wide such as 65˝ print widths, but presses that are 80˝, 90˝, or 100˝ wide or more are not unusual today. Speeds of 2,000 fpm used to be unheard of and now are becoming more common place, with some converters even exceeding those speeds. When wider widths are combined with higher speeds, through-put becomes astounding providing the savings that benefit both converter and packager. To address this segment of the market we have introduced our models Flexpress 36 S, 46 S, and even 96 S. These mega performers offer super wide print widths, large repeat sizes, fast changeover times, and super high speed operation.
Jacques—More than ever, converters are looking for a competitive edge—something that not everyone else has. Flexotecnica’s Safe Sleeve Change® system is one such example. It allows converters to change sleeves SAFELY by physically isolating the central impression (CI) drum on the selected deck while the press is running. Also, the press guard doors do not need to be opened, due to our innovative design.