Pantone HexWare plug-ins are used in conjunction with Adobe Photoshop and Adobe Illustrator to color-correct files, separate into six channels, and soft-proof images. QuarkXPress is Hexachrome-enabled. Other compatible workflow applications include ArtPro (Artwork Systems), Freehand (Macromedia), InDesign (Adobe), and PackEdge (Esko-Graphics). Compatible color profiling software includes GretagMacbeth ProfileMaker, Kodak ProfileWizard, and X-Rite Monaco Profiler. Hexachrome-licensed proofers include DuPont Digital WaterProof/Chromalin AX4 and WaterProof/Chromalin CV, Fujifilm ColorArt and FinalProof, Kodak Approval XP4 and Matchprint, and Roland HiFi Jet and Jet Pro. A 6-color press, 6-color proofing solution, and specially formulated Hexachrome inks are required to implement the Hexachrome process.