drupa 2012 World Tour Events in 40 Countries
The dynamic development of the Chinese printing market is also reflected by the large number of exhibitors at drupa 2012. With around 118,400 square feet, China’s participation has increased by almost 100 percent compared to 2008.
Type Directors Club of New York with current show
The ideal addition to the exhibitors’ product displays and special shows (e.g. the drupa innovation park and the drupacube) will be the professional “add-ons” such as the presentations of the Mainz Gutenberg Museum, the Leipzig Museum for Printing Arts and the show of the Type Directors Club of New York (TDC). At drupa 2012, the winning entries of the current worldwide competition will be presented for the first time. The world’s most important competition for typeface and graphic design started as a club internal competition. Today, an award from the Type Directors Club of New York (TDC) is considered the “Oscar for Typography,” a career launching pad and an important creative ranking feature.