What’s Your Game Plan?
1) What do you hope to gain by purchasing a doctor blade system?
2) What type of machine will it go on?
3) What is the maximum design speed of the machine it will be installed on?
4) Does the machine have a slow speed drive to the anilox or gravure roll?
5) What is the diameter and face length of the anilox or gravure roll?
6) Will the anilox or gravure roll be chrome or ceramic coated?
7) Does the roll have non-engraved areas for sealing?
8) What is the required print width?
9) What type of fluid will it apply?
10) What is the fluid pH?
11) What is the fluid viscosity?
12) Does the fluid require heating or cooling?
13) Is the application of the fluid compatible with the type of doctor blade system and blade material that will be used?
14) Is the correct fluid delivery system available?
15) What type of wash up system is required?
16) Do you require quick removal systems?
17) What level of automation do your require?
18) What is the distance or dwell time between the blades?
19) Size and quantity of supply and drain ports?
20) What are the material’s constructions?
21) Does the system manufacturer have references?