Disc Graphics Named "Best of the Best"
HAUPPAUGE, N.Y.—Disc Graphics, an industry provider of innovative packaging solutions has been named “Best Of The Best Workplaces In The Americas” by the Printing Industries of America (formerly PIA/GATF).
The industry organization awards this honor to the company that provides a superior workplace with a culture that supports employee development, creates opportunities to grow within the organization, and helps employees to become the ‘best of the best’.
“We’re very proud to have won this award,” said Disc Graphics’ Director of Human Resources Diane Ferrante. “We ranked within the most elite group of companies in 2002, ’03, and from ’05 through ’07, and this year broke through to the top spot. It is management’s unwavering commitment to excellence and core values that include making a positive impact on the lives of others that produces a workplace worthy of ‘best of the best’ recognition.”
The criteria for qualifying for a ‘superior workplace’ includes: excellent management practices, providing employees with a comfortable and professional work environment, training and development opportunities, financial security, work-life balance, recognition and reward, health and wellness programs, and workplace health and safety.
“As important, is the way our leadership effectively communicates strategy, values and direction, which produces a team atmosphere inspiring innovation and a winning spirit,” noted Ferrante.