Digital Printing in Packaging
The use of digital printing in the packaging arena is a significant, growing trend that promises a wave of technology advances and new products over the coming years. Digital printing technology is especially noticeable on the trade show circuit.
Kevin Karstedt of consulting and market research firm, Karstedt Partners, LLC, recently summarized some digital printing solutions coming out of Graph Expo, including those from HP; Xeikon; EFI Jetrion; INX International; Memjet integrator, Colordyne; and a GMP proofing and prototyping solution.
Labelexpo Europe featured its first Digital Print Workshop, which allow visitors to see three digital printing technologies (dry toner, electro-ink, and inkjet) compared against each other in live demonstrations run by an independent moderator. It was one of the highlights of the show.
By all accounts, drupa 2012 will have a large representation in digital printing technologies, with the promise of many new product introductions. (Of course, everything about drupa is large.)
To help provide the knowledge printers and converters need to understand the potential impact of digital printing, packagePRINTING, in cooperation with InfoTrends, is offering a free webinar on Tuesday, November 15, at 2:00 p.m. ET. Below is a description of the webinar:
Color Digital Printing: The Wave of the Future for the Packaging Industry
Color digital printing is now well-established in the packaging industry for the printing of prime labels. It is a young but promising application for printing folding cartons and flexible packaging. Due to ever-improving digital technologies, the needs of brand owners, a focus on sustainability, and the desire to streamline the supply chain packaging industry is truly poised to take off.
As digital demand grows, it’s important for converters to understand its potential business impact. It is clear that digital package printing represents a recession-proof and profitable market opportunity. Now is the time for packaging and label converters to re-evaluate their business models and transform themselves from makers of goods to providers of services. Investing in new digital printing systems today can enable printing suppliers to establish their place in the digital packaging world of tomorrow.
In this webinar, Barb Pellow, InfoTrends director and industry expert, and Simon Healy, CEO of digital print provider Mediaware, LLC, will provide insight on:
• Digital printing technology trends for packaging;
• The opportunity for digital print in the packaging world;
• What savvy converters must do to offer digital print services;
• Tactics for implementing and selling digital printing.
For more information, or to register, click here.