Shelf Space: Are You Excellent?
I spent two days last month at the Flexible Packaging Association conference in Scottsdale where the centerpiece of the event was the annual Flexible Packaging Achievement Awards. It was flat-out inspiring to see the range of creativity and innovation being brought forward throughout this exciting industry segment. It leaves no doubt that flexible packaging is where we'll see some fine work from brand owners, designers and converters in the next few years.
So OK, the FPA Awards are cool, but what if your specialty lies elsewhere? To strut your stuff, be sure to enter the packagePRINTING Excellence Awards. We are looking for the most compelling, innovative and imaginative examples of all types of packaging, from corrugated to folding cartons to flexible to labels. Show us your finest work and maybe you'll wind up being recognized by your peers—and the entire industry—as a paragon of packaging excellence. The winners will be showcased in the August issue and be feted at an awards gala at Graph Expo and CPP Expo in September. So download your entry form and show us what you can do. We can't wait to see your best work.
With the FPA conference getting us thinking about flexible packages, it's fitting that this issue look at the trends that are driving the flexible side of packaging and show what some of the best work being done looks like. Yet as we appreciate that work, it's important to recognize that some of the fresh look and feel we see on store shelves is due to the technology behind the job. Increasingly, that is high definition flexography, which is not just some bright idea from a few vendors but a way to help produce some excellent images on a container or label while improving productivity. We do a quick dive into that and cover some things to think about should you make the move to high-def.
There is one topic I keep hearing about when talking with package printers, converters and just about every type of printer on the commercial side of printing, and that is mergers and acquisitions. M&As pose opportunities for some and threats to others, and understanding the issues involved and how they may apply to your business can be more than a little intimidating. This is especially true for businesses that rely on changing technologies and which are subject to a variety of market forces. So starting this month, we offer up the first in a series of articles from New Direction Partners, a group of seasoned business executives with extensive experience in M&A throughout the printing industry. We are presenting their thoughts in both packagePRINTING and Printing Impressions to help share and spread their expertise across a broad audience that may be able to take advantage of their knowledge.
And one other thing. I was just at Mark Andy's Open House where they showcased the new Digital Series press. Being a digital print guy from way back, I have to admit that I went in skeptical and came out impressed. This machine seems very well integrated and any converter looking to add digital capability should take a look.
So dive into this issue and enjoy. And please let me hear from you! I'm always interested in hearing your stories, and how you are being successful in package printing.
- Companies:
- Flexible Packaging Association
- Mark Andy